发起人:guohaitao  回复数:3  浏览数:13966  最后更新:2023/7/8 10:58:16 by damo123

发表新帖  帖子排序:
2019/3/26 9:15:14

角  色:管理员
发 帖 数:412
First lets talk about fasting. Many people think thattraining fasted is when your stomach is empty but it’smuch more than that. When you consume foodthey’re broken down into different kinds ofmolecules. These molecules are released into theblood stream and causes insulin to spike as well.Insulin’s job is to shuttle theses molecules into thecell. Insulin levels can be elevated for several hoursdepending on how much food you consume.

As soon as you consume food your body processes and absorbs them resulting in being in a fedstate. When your body is finished processing food, insulin begins to decline to a lower level orbase line level.Once insulin drops, your body goes back into a fasted state. So in a sense, yourbody goes from fasted to fed all day long depending on how much you eat throughout the day.?When training in a fed state your body is still breaking the food down while insulin is elevated.?When training in a fasted state your body’s insulin levels are low or at a baseline level.
In the graph below you can see how insulin is elevated and decreased between meals but,when sleeping insulin stays very low and for a longer period of time.
Essentially, when you are sleeping your fasting. Imagine how much fat you can burn when youwake in the morning and prolong your first meal?This is why intermittent fasting has becomeso popular because when fasting all night and upon waking in the morning, you wait to eat untillet’s say noon time; you’ll keep your body in fat burning mode longer.This is one of the fastestways to lose fat WITHOUT training.
Eating Breakfast:

There is nothing wrong with eating breakfast but it largely depends on what you eat.Whileintermittent fasting has been on the rise and scientific research has shown big benefits forbetter body composition, many researchers suggest that skipping breakfast ultimately leadsto weight gain by making poor food choices later in the day. If you are someone who loves andenjoys breakfast, there are several foods that you should avoid if you want to lose fat ormaintain good body composition.Creating different meals for fat loss or building lean musclecan be quite expensive, time consuming and confusing for those starting out
