剩饭剩菜的正确储藏和保鲜方式 | |
发起人:guohaitao 回复数:3 浏览数:13437 最后更新:2023/6/5 12:57:06 by babyanan |
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guohaitao 发表于 2019/3/26 9:19:05
剩饭剩菜的正确储藏和保鲜方式 No matter how hard you try, chances are you'll stillbe looking at some leftovers from holiday dinner.
不管你如何努力,节日晚宴过后你很可能还是要处理一些剩饭剩菜。 But you can avoid eating endless turkey sandwiches and make the remnants of your giganticmeal go further by storing it correctly. 但你大可不必没完没了地吃火鸡肉三明治,而是可以通过正确的储藏方式让这些残羹剩饭保存的更久些。 FEMAIL has compiled some tips and tricks to reduce your food waste and help you enjoydelicious meals well into the New Year... 《每日邮报》女性专栏整理了一些减少食物浪费的小技巧,让你在节后很长一段时间还能继续享受美味…… TURKEY AND HAM 火鸡和火腿 Sydney chef Travis Harvey advises carving all turkey and ham from the bone after Christmas toensure it stays fresh. 悉尼主厨特拉维斯?哈维建议,为了保证火鸡和火腿的新鲜,在圣诞节过后就要将它们的肉从骨头上剃下来。 As long as they are carved shortly after cooking, slices of turkey and ham can be stored in thefreezer in a container for up to three months, Mr Harvey says in a post for OzHarvest. 哈维在OzHarvest网站的一篇文章中称,只要将烹饪不久后的火鸡和火腿肉切片,装到容器里,就可以在冰箱中最多存放3个月。 PRAWNS AND SEAFOOD 虾和海鲜 To make prawns last longer, peel them before storing in the freezer for up to three months,according to Mr Harvey. 据哈维称,想要延长虾的存放时间需先将它们剥皮,这样最多可以在冰柜存放3个月。 Mr Harvey also advises freezing prawn shells first before disposing of them to avoid a smellyrubbish bin. 哈维还建议将虾壳冷冻后再丢掉,这样垃圾桶就不会变臭。 According to the NSW Environment Protection Authority's Love Food Hate Waste page, if yourfreezer can maintain a temperature of minus 18°C or colder, lean seafood such as prawns,bream, whiting, snapper, lobsters and scallops will keep for nine months to a year. 据新南威尔士州环境保护局“热爱食物,憎恨浪费”网站称,如果你的冰柜的温度可以维持在零下18摄氏度或更低,那么虾、海鲷、鳕鱼、啮鱼、龙虾和扇贝等低脂海鲜可在其中保存9个月到1年。 But fatty seafood, such as mullet, will keep for only three to four months. 但鲻鱼等高脂海鲜只能存放3-4个月。 'If freezing fish, clean and prepare it as if you were going to eat it and freeze as fillets. You canfreeze a whole clean fish, if you want to cook and serve it whole. Make sure you label and datethe fish,' the website advises. 建议:“如果要将鱼冷冻的话,要按照你打算食用的方式将其清理并调制好,然后将去骨鱼片冻起来。如果你想烹饪食用一整条鱼的话,那么可以整条冷冻。” CAKES 蛋糕 Chances are you weren't able to get through the entire cake after holiday dinner - butfortunately they can last a good while when stored in an airtight container. 你很可能无法在节日晚宴上消灭掉整个蛋糕。不过幸好蛋糕可以在密闭的容器中保存很久。 If a cake has been iced after it has cooled, that can help increase its shelf-life by cutting downon moisture loss and preventing it from going stale. 如果在蛋糕冷却后将其冰冻,可以减少蛋糕的水分流失,防止其变质,从而延长保质期。 Love Food Hate Waste advises wrapping cakes tightly in clingfilm or foil to remove any airbefore freezing. “热爱食物,憎恨浪费”网站建议先用保鲜膜或箔纸将蛋糕紧紧地包裹起来,然后再将其冷冻。 Frozen cakes with icing will last for about three months and for six months without icing. 冷冻的糖霜蛋糕可以保存近3个月,没有糖霜的蛋糕可以保存6个月。 CHEESE 奶酪 Soft cheeses, like Camembert, should be stored in waxed cheese paper or baking paper. 卡门贝干酪等软奶酪应该存储在蜡纸或烘焙纸中。 Food experts advise people to avoid using plastic wrap because it will cause the cheese tosweat. 食品专家建议人们不要用塑料袋包裹软奶酪,因为这样奶酪会渗出水分。 Blue cheese can be wrapped in foil, but remember to change the foil every few days as aciditywill attack the foil. 蓝纹奶酪可以包在箔纸中,但是切记每隔几天就要换一次箔纸,因为奶酪的酸性会腐蚀箔纸。 Hard cheeses, like cheddar or Parmesan, can be stored in plastic wrap or airtight containers. 切德干酪或帕尔马干酪等硬奶酪可以存放在塑料袋或密闭容器中。 EGGS 鸡蛋 If you bought far too many eggs to holiday baking, but didn't end up using them all, not toworry. The easiest way to store them is in the fridge in the carton they came in. 如果你为了做节日烘焙食品买了太多的鸡蛋,最终却没有用光的话,不用担心。最简单的方法就是将鸡蛋放在原装的纸盒里储存在冰箱中。 Test for freshness by checking if the egg sinks in a bowl or glass of water. Fresh eggs will stayat the bottom, but stale eggs float to the top. 将鸡蛋浸入一碗水中可以检查其新鲜度。新鲜的鸡蛋会沉在碗底,而变质的鸡蛋会浮在表面。 But if your want to store for longer, eggs can be frozen too. 但如果你想储存得更久,鸡蛋也是可以冷冻的。 According to Love Food Hate Waste, you lightly beat whole eggs and add either a teaspoon ofsalt or a tablespoon of sugar for every six eggs. 据“热爱食物,憎恨浪费”网站称,轻轻地搅拌所有的鸡蛋,在每6个鸡蛋中加入一茶匙盐或一汤匙糖。 Freeze the eggs in small amounts of one or two and they should keep for up to 10 months. 将一到两个鸡蛋冷冻在一起,这样最多可以保存10个月。 Use the salted yolks in savoury dishes and the sugared yolks for cakes, custards and desserts -but don't forget to label them - and use the eggs straight away when thawed, in dishes thatrequire cooking only. 咸蛋黄可以用在开胃菜中,甜蛋黄可以制成蛋糕、蛋挞以及甜点——但不要忘记给它们贴上标签。鸡蛋解冻后要立刻用掉,且仅可用在需要烹饪的菜品中。 |
nihaosb 发表于 2022/9/27 12:35:49
pate00 发表于 2022/12/1 16:39:03
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babyanan 发表于 2023/6/5 12:57:08
"Being yourself is an honor, because nobody else can be you. 做自己是一种荣耀,因为没有任何人能成为你。,福彩3DClear thinking requires courage rather than intelligence.思路清楚需要的是勇气而不是智力。
You are the best thing I never planned. 你是我最美好的意外。 体彩排列3,对这世界来说,你也许只是某个人;但对某个人来说,你却是全世界。 Love is not only a sentiment but also an art. 爱情不仅仅是感情,它也是艺术。 快乐8,In love folly is always sweet. 恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。,中奖app" |
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