Joint Venture Registration in China
发起人:wangjinmeng  回复数:3  浏览数:17782  最后更新:2023/8/2 16:02:48 by babyanan

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wangjinmeng 发表于 2019/3/26 11:03:03
Joint Venture Registration in China

There are two main reasons to enter into a JV with a local partner:1)

When entering certain industries, it is required to have a local partner  according to the restrictions in China


When a local partner can offer tangible benefits such as well-established distribution channels, government relations (locally known as guanxi

) or other assets that would be relatively inefficient for the foreign investors to acquire on its own.


Joint ventures are especially popular with businesses operating in different countries. In China its commonly considered as one of the best  options to enter the Chinese market. To better explain, JV is a form of enterprise created through the partnership between foreign and Chinese investors. The joint venture partners share the profits, losses and management of the JV.

Smaller businesses often want to access a larger partner’s resources, such as a strong distribution network, specialist employees and financial resources.

oint Venture


Equity Joint Venture (EJV)

An EJV is a Chinese Limited Liability Company (LLC) shared between a Chinese and a foreign party. Each participant contributes to the venture in financial terms by way of an investment of capital and has a stake in the business. This is similar to the holding of shares in a limited liability company.

Cooperative Joint Venture (CJV):

A CJV offers a flexible way to conduct business with a Chinese partner. This legal framework allows individual agreements such as profit sharing, which need not be restricted to the equity contributions. It differs mainly with the Equity Joint Venture in that the foreign investor may repatriate his original investment before the expiration of the Joint Venture.

Depending on your business scope, we can advise you whether aJoint Venture is the best option for you. We will be glad to answer your questions and find the right solution for your company. Compared to registering a business in most Western countries, registering a business in China is challenging work filled with paperwork and bureaucratic red tape. It is time-consuming and challenging to properly complete the registration process without a qualified agency. Corporation China is a government licensed registration agency that provides business registration services. We offer practical solutions for corporate formation with our extensive knowledge and background, all while guaranteeing results for our clients.

patebeng2 发表于 2021/8/31 16:31:49
nihaosb 发表于 2022/9/27 12:36:44
babyanan 发表于 2023/8/2 16:02:49
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