China WOFE Registration process | |
发起人:wangjinmeng 回复数:3 浏览数:15284 最后更新:2023/6/27 15:11:33 by babyanan |
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wangjinmeng 发表于 2019/3/26 11:09:41
China WOFE Registration process The application process to create a company in China generally takes three to six months. The establishment process varies based on the WFOE form and the planned business scope. For example, a Manufacturing WFOE will require an environmental evaluation report, and Trading WFOEs will need to undergo customs/commodity inspection registration. The application process can be divided into two parts:
The company name can be translated from English by meaning and/or phonetically. Verification of feasibility of the proposed name by the AIC will take a few working days. Only the Chinese name will be legally binding – the English name is not legally relevant for Chinese authorities. Note that the words “China” and “International” cannot be freely included in the Chinese name, and are subject to further requirements. 2. Issuance of approval certificate and temporary business license The authorities will issue the approval certificate and temporary business license after assessing the following documentation: From the investor:
Post-registrationFollowing the issuance of the temporary business license, the WFOE would need to perform a number of formal registrations at various Chinese government entities, including applying for carving various seals (or chops) in order to authorize documents on behalf of the company, as well as opening an RMB account for managing daily operating expenses and a foreign capital account for receiving foreign currency. Portions of this article came from the September 2013 issue of China Briefing Magazine titled, “Using China WFOEs in the Service and Manufacturing Industries,” which is currently available as a complimentary PDF download on the Asia Briefing Bookstore until the end of this month. In this issue of China Briefing Magazine, we provide a detailed overview of the WFOE establishment procedures as well as outline the typical costs associated with running these entities in China. We hope that this information will give foreign investors contemplating entry into the Chinese market a better understanding of the time and costs involved. |
nihaosb 发表于 2022/9/27 12:40:14
pate00 发表于 2022/12/1 16:58:31
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babyanan 发表于 2023/6/27 15:11:33
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