Improving Enterprise Value by Trademark
发起人:wangjinmeng  回复数:1  浏览数:12931  最后更新:2022/9/27 12:41:29 by nihaosb

发表新帖  帖子排序:
2019/3/26 17:36:34

角  色:管理员
发 帖 数:30
Improving Enterprise Value by Trademark
Improving Enterprise Value by Trademark and Brand Strategy

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, SAIC and AICs and Market Supervision departments at all levels seriously implemented CPC Central Committee and State Council’s decisions and deployments to comprehensively promote business system reform and to constantly exhibit policy effect. This year, averagely 52000 market entities were increased everyday, which brought the total to 97 million.

The quick development in market entities promoted the vast increase in trademark registrations. The registrations reached 17 million, accounting for 40% of the global quantity. For the previous 11 months, trademark applications reached 5.11 million, increasing 54%, ranking the top in the world for consecutive 17 years. The increase in applications this year would account for 80% of global increase. China has been the important contributor for global IP increase, and gradually become the leader in global innovation and brand development.

  AICs actively promoted trademark and brand strategy and made remarkable achievements as followed:

 I. The level of trademark registration facilitation increased constantly. 105 regional trademark application reception windows were established in 29 provinces. Online trademark applications accounted for 86.3% of total applications. Trademark examination time limit shortened from 9 months to 8 months, and would be 6 months in the next year, reaching world level.

  II. Trademark IP protection were strengthened constantly. Cooperated with judicial departments, AICs and Market Supervision departments strictly fought against trademark bad-faith registration, infringements and counterfeits, investigated about 21000 illegal cases, involving 0.27 billion.

  III. The promoting change from Chinese products to Chinese brands was remarkable. Enterprises’ abilities to use trademark and brand increased constantly, and Chinese brands values also increased daily. Trademark and brand values for top 100 listing enterprises in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in 2016 achieved to 3.22 trillion. Chinese trademark and brand accelerate the international trend. In 2017, Madrid international applications filed by domestic enterprises exceeded 4300, increasing more than 30%. The function of trademark in guiding economic development exhibited greatly. International famous and competitiveness of Chinese brands in international market also increased constantly.

  In the report of the 19th CPC National Congress, strengthening IP innovation, protection and utilization indicates direction for domestic trademark and brand building and enhances confidence and resolution for creating international famous Chinese brands. AICs and Market supervision departments would follow Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adapt to the time requirement of the economic development changing from high speed to high quality, and work hard to strengthen domestic brand building and promote brand economic development.

For more information, please feel free to contact us.



2022/9/27 12:41:31

角  色:普通会员
发 帖 数:474
